Story Importing › Import Story

Click the import button in the menu for your language, and click the story you'd like to add. You'll be redirected to the editor for that story.

The import button

Importing from Spanish

We import stories from Spanish, as they're the most extensive on Duolingo. But sometimes it can make sense to import from another language.

We import from the "Spanish from English" course and not from the "English from Spanish" as this already has the hints in English, so it reduces the amount of text you need to change.

Importing from other Languages

You can change the last part of the import url, e.g. es-en to any other course to import from that course.

Intro and welcome stories

If you're translating to a smaller language, or a conlang, a welcome story can be a good idea to show users wandering through the site what your language actually is, or if there is some useful information to show about the language. To make one, import a new story (you can choose any story here) and set the Set Number to 0 in the editor.

Set 0|0

I'd recommend looking through the stories you can import to find one with a nice icon. Then, write whatever you want to explain your language.

Some good examples are @𝕰𝖓𝖝𝖆666's story for Catalan and @Candy Butcher's story for Interslavic.

Once your Welcome Story has been reviewed by another contributor and 👍 approved—contact a Moderator to manually publish it to the site.

Can I write my own stories?

Short answer is: no. The scope of the project is to bring the existing stories from Duolingo to new languages. These stories have been developed by a team of linguists, it would be very difficult to match their quality with our team of volunteers.

It also makes it easier to review stories as we only need to review the translation and not the content of the new story. Is the content appropriate? Is the content well suited for a learner with the particular knowledge level, is the length of the story right, are the characters in the story according to the personality of the character cast, etc.

If we have translated all stories we might consider expanding this but for now the best way is to stick with the stories from Duolingo to provide high quality content for our learners.

Can I skip stories?

Please follow the order of the stories from Duolingo. If we skip ahead it will make the organisation of the stories more difficult and can be an unpleasant experience for the learner if the difficulty level changes to much from one story to the next.

If you think a story needs to be skipped for your language, please consult with a Moderator first.