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Besona vu auxilie?
title image

speakerBesona vudo you need auxiliehelp?

speakerLinLin stais suron li stradethe street.
Select the missing phrase
speakerEllashe videsees un manna man proxim a su propri autonear her car.
speakerIlhe esis preocupatworried.
headspeakerSalutehello! Besona vudo you need auxiliehelp?
What comes next?
headspeakerMimy autocar havehas un problemaa problem.
  • mimy cafécoffee
  • un manna man
  • un problemaa problem
headspeakerPosse yocan I usar(to) use voryour telefonphone, plesplease?
speakerLinLin dagives su telefonher phone alto the mannman.
headspeakerYesyes, mabut
headspeakerPardonI'm sorry, un momentone moment.
speakerLithe mannman sonacalls per li telefonon the phone.
headspeakerBon diegood morning, esque to esis that lithe reparatoria de autosauto repair shop?
The man borrowed Lin's phone so he could…
  • …check the time.
  • …call an auto repair shop.
  • …look through her pictures.
headspeakerMimy autocar havehas un problemaa problem.
headspeakerAhoh seniorsir?
speakerLithe mannman ignoraignores LinLin.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerYo ne saveI don't know u yo eswhere I am.
headspeaker Excusa mehmm, seniorettaexcuse me?miss
headspeakerUwhere noi esare we?
headspeakerTrevery proxim alclose to the reparatoria de autosauto repair shop!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerYoI laborawork inat li reparatoriathe repair shop li fines de semaneon weekends!
headspeakerYo esI am mecanicoa mechanic.
headspeakerAlorso besona vudo you need auxiliehelp?
It turns out that Lin…
  • …doesn't know where she is.
  • …works at the auto repair shop.
  • …needs help buying a new phone.
Tap the pairs