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Necessito un nou videojoc
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speakerNecessitoI need una nounew videojocvideo game

speakerEn JúniorJunior iand l'EddyEddy sónare aat unaa botigastore.
headspeakerPapadad, necessitoI need una nounew videojocvideo game!
headspeakerNono, JúniorJunior. No necessitesyou don't need una nounew videojocvideo game.
Eddy thinks Junior needs a new video game.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerSi us plauplease! Aquestthis videojocvideo game deof robotsrobots ésis moltvery divertitfun!
Select the missing phrase
headJúniorJunior, tuyou volswant aquestthis videojocvideo game, peròbut no el necessitesyou don't need it.
headspeakerD'acordOK, el vullI want it. El comprem(can) we buy it?
Tap what you hear
headspeakerNono en(of it) tensyou have moltsa lot, deof videojocsvideo games a casaat home.
headspeakeryes, yes D'acordOK, tornemwe are returning a(to) casahome?
headspeakerNono, anemwe are going ato casa d'en VikramVikram's house.
What comes next?
headspeakerPer quèwhy? CasaHouse sevahis ésis moltvery avorridaboring!
  • unaa botigastore
  • una nounew video game videojoc
  • moltvery avorridaboring
headspeakerPeròbut he has unaa televisió molt grossavery big TV iand joI haig dehave to veurewatch elthe partit de futbolsoccer game.
headspeakerPapadad, tuyou volswant veureto watch elthe partitgame, perobut no necessitesyou don't need veure'lto watch it.
Both Eddy and Junior…
  • …say they need something when they only want it.
  • …fly around on robots.
  • …play video games with Vikram.
Tap the pairs