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İlk Resmim
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speakerİlkfirst Resmimmy painting

speakerEddyEddy, Oscar'ın dairesineto Oscar's apartment gidergoes.
speakerEddyEddy ellerindein his hands bira resimpainting taşıyordur(he) carries.
headspeakerŞuthat ne(is) what, EddyEddy?
headspeakerButhis ilkfirst resmim(is) my painting!
headspeakerOnato it bakarlook misinwill you?
Eddy wants to paint a picture of Oscar.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerAmabut biran sanat öğretmenisinyou are (an) art teacher.
headspeakerEvetyes, veand çokvery dürüstümI am honest.
headspeakerNe güzelhow nice.
headspeakerVeand düşündüğümthat I think şeylerithe things duyduğundawhen you hear ağlayabilirsinyou might cry.
Choose the option that means "you might cry."
Ve .
headspeakerAmabut resmimmy painting hakkındakithat are about görüşleriniyour opinions duymakto hear istiyorumI want.
headspeakerİyigood değil(it is) not.
headspeakerNasılhow biliyorsundo you know?
What comes next?
headspeakerSanatçı(an) artist değilsinyou are not veand buthis seninyour ilkfirst resmin(is) your painting.
  • ilkfirst resminyour painting
  • resmimdeon my painting
  • ellerindein his hands
headspeakerİlkfirst resminyour painting hiçnever iyigood değildirare not.
headspeakerBaklook at it, lütfenplease.
headspeakerLütfenplease, OscarOscar.
headspeakerPekalavery well.
Tap what you hear
speakerOscarOscar resmeto (the) painting bakarlooks at.
headspeakerEddyEddy, buthis resim painting
headspeakerOldukçaquite iyigood.
headspeakerEvetyes! Harikagreat! BenI iyigood bir sanatçımI am an artist!
headspeakerŞimdinow gitleave, lüfenplease.
Why was Oscar so surprised?
  • Eddy only paints with his feet.
  • He thought first paintings were never good.
  • Eddy has always been a bad painter.
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